100+ projects across AFRICA


About us

Entrepreneur Empowerment

Driving positive change in Africa through empowerment in entrepreneurship. We provide struggling early stage African entrepreneurs with funding and free consultations. We also provide scholarship opportunities for academically gifted African students with the aim of grooming them to become the next great captains of industry.

join us

We believe entrepreneurship can address pressing African challenges. Start your journey today.

upcoming Events

We organize ongoing entrepreneurship development and support events

17 August, 2023

This webinar explores different marketing channels, techniques and branding strategies to help entrepreneurs effectively promote their products or services.

18 September, 2023

This webinar covers the basics of digital marketing, including social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and email marketing

20 october, 2023

This webinar helps entrepreneurs understand legal and regulatory requirements, including business registration, intellectual property, contracts and data protection.

Our impact
Fostering a culture of innovation and sustainable business practices in Africa
Our partners
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