Need Funding?

non repayable business funding for african entrepreneurs

why us?

Qabam Africa's Unique Funding Approach

Unlike traditional investors, we offer a funding model that eliminates the need for repayment. Without the constant pressure of debt repayment, entrepreneurs can concentrate wholeheartedly on scaling their businesses, exploring new opportunities, and realizing their full potential. 

What wiil you pay?

At Qabam Africa, our approach to funding businesses sets us apart. We have a unique requirement that all successful businesses we fund contribute a share of their profits over a one-year period, starting from the time they reach their break-even point. This arrangement is specifically designed to enable us to reinvest and sponsor more businesses in the future. 
By requesting a portion of the profits from successful businesses, we strive to create a sustainable cycle of support and empowerment within the entrepreneurial community. This approach allows us to reinvest the returns from successful ventures into supporting new and aspiring entrepreneurs, fostering economic growth and development.

Steps in the process....


We first carefully evaluate business ideas based on specific criteria to ensure maximum impact. These criteria include job creation, improvement of economic conditions, empowerment, contribution to sustainable development, and contribution to community betterment 


Our due diligence process involves a comprehensive evaluation of the scalability, growth potential, and viability of a business idea. Additionally, as part of our due diligence, we verify the funding claims made by the business. 


Our fund disbursement process involves contract signing to establish a working partnership agreement between us and successful applicants. Once the contract is signed, we disburse the funds to support the growth of the business and provide any other additional support.

Our partners


Most frequent questions and answers

Qabam Africa provides business funding to aspiring entrepreneurs residing in the 54 member states of Africa, whose ideas meet our selection criteria. 

There is no set budget limit for the funding that can be applied for. However, it is important to note that funding will be subject to the availability of funds within a specific funding cycle. 

Our evaluation process involves a series of simulation modeling using quantitative techniques to thoroughly assess the viability and potential of each business. Following this evaluation, a score is assigned to each business. 
While there is no fixed timeframe for this exercise, the entire evaluation process typically takes between 2 to 3 months for most businesses, unless there are exceptional circumstances. 


Qabam Africa operates on a biannual funding cycle, with successful applications receiving funding in January and July each year.

In contrast to traditional banks and other investment channels, Qabam Africa provides non-repayable funding to applicants who have adhered to our contract. This is because, under our guidance, the likelihood of a business failing is extremely low. Qabam only requires successful businesses to share a portion of their profits for a full year after reaching the break-even point. 

Qabam Africa does not charge any upfront fees or charges during the application process. 

Want to start your business?

Apply for Business Funding