Sample Legal Documents

As a business owner, it’s essential to have the right legal documents in place to protect your interests, ensure compliance, and establish clear guidelines for your operations. Our carefully curated selection of legal samples covers a wide range of needs, including contracts, agreements, policies, and more. Browse through our collection today and empower your business with the legal foundation it needs to thrive. 

Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Forms

Confidentiality Agreement

A Confidentiality Agreement is used to protect sensitive information shared between two parties by prohibiting the disclosure of this information to an outside source. 

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A Non-Disclosure Agreement is a contract used to maintain privacy in agreements where sensitive information is exchanged between two parties. 

Non-Compete Agreement

A Non-Compete Agreement is a contract used to prevent exploitation of an unfair competitive advantage where sensitive information is exchanged between two parties. 

Cease & Desist Letter

A Cease and Desist Letter is used to order another individual or company to stop an action or behavior, such as copyright violation or debt collection, and to refrain from doing it in the future. 

Trademark Assignment

A Trademark Assignment transfers ownership of a trademark from one party to another. 

Assignment of Trade Name

An Assignment of Trade Name legally transfers all the rights of a trade name from one individual to another. 

Partnership and joint venture forms

Partnership Agreement

A Partnership Agreement establishes the rights and responsibilities of general partners, and the rules in a for-profit partnership. 

Assignment of Partnership Interest

An Assignment of Partnership Interest Agreement transfers partnership interest from one party to another to the extent permitted by the Partnership Agreement.  

Partnership Amendment

A Partnership Amendment is used to change terms in an existing Partnership Agreement. 

Notice of Withdrawal from Partnership

A Notice of Withdrawal from Partnership can be used when a partner is withdrawing from a partnership for voluntary or involuntary reasons. 

Joint Venture Agreement

A Joint Venture Agreement is a contract used to set up a business arrangement between two or more parties who agree to combine resources for a limited time to accomplish a particular project or goal. 

employment and human resources ( HR ) Forms

Employment Contract

An Employment Contract sets out employment terms, conditions, and expectations between an employer and employee. 

Compensation Agreement

A Compensation Agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee to set or change the wage or salary of that employee. 

Employment Offer Letter

An Employment Offer Letter is used by an employer to formally present a job opportunity to a new employee. The letter includes employment details, such as start date, compensation, job responsibilities, and other employment terms or preconditions. 

Employee Privacy Policy

An Employee Privacy Policy outlines employee privacy rights and when and where personal information can be disclosed. 

Employment Termination Letter

An Employment Termination Letter formally advises an employee that his or her employment has been terminated. 

Employee Warning Letter

An employer issues an Employee Warning Letter to an employee who has violated workplace rules. The letter describes the infraction, consequences, and areas for improvement. 

Employee Evaluation

An Employee Evaluation is used by employers to assess employee job performance. 

Letter of Recommendation

A Letter of Recommendation is a written assessment of another person’s abilities and character. 

New Hire Checklist

A New Hire Checklist helps you create a personalized onboarding checklist for new remote, in-office, or hybrid employees to cover every step of preboarding, orientation, training and any other miscellaneous task. 

shareholder forms

Share Purchase Agreement

A Share Purchase Agreement is a contract used for the sale of stock or shares between an existing shareholder of a corporation and another individual or corporation. 

Share Subscription

A Share Subscription is used when new common shares/stocks are issued by a corporation and sold to a purchaser, also known as a subscriber. The subscriber executes this document and it is then retained in the corporation’s records. 

Shareholder Agreement

A Shareholder Agreement is a contract between shareholders of a corporation. It specifies shareholder rights and responsibilities, and includes terms on internal management, share valuation, profit distribution, dispute resolution methods, and more within a corporation.  

Shareholders' Organizational Meeting

A Shareholders’ Organizational Meeting document records the initial resolutions and actions of the shareholders to organize the corporation. 

Shareholders' Consent to Action Without Meeting

A Shareholders’ Consent to Action Without Meeting records the decisions taken by the shareholders of a corporation without a formal meeting of the shareholders having taken place. 

Minutes of Shareholders' Meeting

A Shareholders’ Minutes of Meeting can be used to record decisions taken by a corporation at a meeting of its shareholders. 

Shareholder Proxy

A Shareholder Proxy allows an individual or corporation to appoint a representative to vote at a shareholder meeting. 

Shareholder's Appointment of Representative

A Shareholder’s Appointment of Representative allows a representative to vote at all shareholder meetings and make decisions that a corporate shareholder would normally make.  

Shareholder Loan Agreement

A Shareholder Loan Agreement is used when a corporation is borrowing money from one of its shareholders; a shareholder is lending money to its corporation; or a corporation owes money to a shareholder (for salary etc.) and the parties need a record of the payment for tax purposes. 

director forms

Directors' Resolution

A Directors’ Resolution can be used to record minutes at a director meeting or to describe director resolutions in lieu of a corporate meeting. 

Consent to be Director and Officer

A Consent to be Director and Officer is completed when a corporate director or officer is first appointed. 

Directors' Organizational Meeting

A Directors’ Organizational Meeting document records the initial resolutions and actions of the directors to organize the corporation. 

buying and selling a business

Purchase of Business Agreement

A Purchase of Business Agreement is a document used when an individual or corporation purchases all the shares or assets of a business. 

Letter of Intent

This Letter of Intent is a non-binding letter used by two or more parties to outline an understanding for a future agreement. 

legal documents for business owners

Last Will and Testament

Protect your assets and your loved ones with a Last Will and Testament. You can divide your property, choose a guardian for your children, and name someone to manage your estate. 

Power of Attorney

Protect your interests with a Power of Attorney. Appoint someone to make your important financial, real estate, and business decisions if you are unable to act for yourself. 


Prenuptial Agreement

A Prenuptial Agreement is a contract used by two people who are about to marry and wish to sort out current and future financial and property matters prior to marriage. 

Cohabitation Agreement

A Cohabitation Agreement is used by couples who are not legally married, but want to live together in a shared residence. It addresses property, debts, and other details in order to protect each individual’s interests in the event the relationship comes to an end. 

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