A few words about

What We Do

Our programs

Our organization offers two types of programs

In order to achieve our vision to empower Africans through entrepreneurship, we offer a junior and senior program. The senior program focuses on entrepreneurs above the age of 18 years that are ready to bring their ideas to life while the junior program focuses on children at school going age. Each program has its own offers.

business funding

Unlike traditional investors, we provide funding that does not require repayment. This allows entrepreneurs to focus on growing their business, without the burden of debt. All prospective applicants for funding undergo a rigorous application process that thoroughly evaluates the potential of their business ideas and validates their need for financial assistance.  

business mentorship

In addition to financial support, we offer mentorship and capacity building programs to help entrepreneurs develop the skills and knowledge necessary for long term success. Entrepreneurs can benefit from workshops and free educational resources and templates available directly on the website.


We offer a scholarship opportunity to exceptional African students with the aim of grooming them to become the next great captains of industry. This program recognizes and supports the unique talents and potential of these young individuals, offering them financial assistance, mentorship, and resources to nurture their abilities.


career guidance

After recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities facing African children, we created this program for career guidance. This program offers personalized support, mentorship, and access to valuable networks. We help students explore various career options and how they can pursue fulfilling careers and contribute to the growth and development of their communities and continent. Students who qualify for our scholarship program gain access to this facility.

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